Outdoor cushions do a good job of making any outdoor space look inviting. As they come in various styles and designs, it is also relatively easy to choose cushions that adhere to the aesthetic that we want our homes to pull off. In addition, they make sure that we and our guests are comfortable every time we host a gathering in our patios or porches.
Outdoor cushions, however, should be properly fitted to our outdoor furniture so they can satisfy our need for aesthetics and functionality. If you’re buying cushions for the first time or you’re looking to replace your old ones, here’s a guide on getting the right numbers for your outdoor space.
The Necessary Measurements
Outdoor cushions are usually measured according to these three things: width, length, and thickness. In other types of furniture, however, the length of the backrest should also be accommodated.
Measuring For Specific Furniture
This is how you measure outdoor cushions for:
Chairs. Measure the width from one end of the centre seat to the other; if the chair has arms, measure from one arm of the chair to the other; if the chair has a curving backrest, add 1.5 inches to the measurements. Measure the length from the front of the seat to the back, and then add one inch to the measurement. And measure the thickness of the chair from one end of the gap at the back to the other, and then add an inch. If there is no back gap, you can choose the thickness of the cushion yourself.
Chaise lounges. Take three measurements for the width of a chaise lounge: at the top, below the fold, and at the leg rest. Measure the length from one end of the lounge, just below the fold, right down to the other. And then measure the length of the backrest from one vertical end to the other.
Deep seating furniture. Measure the width of the seat from side to side, and then at the backrest from side to side. Measure the length from the front to the back. And then measure the thickness from the top of the backrest to the bottom; subtract three inches for the cushion thickness.
Other Considerations
Once you have got your numbers down, the next thing to do is to find outdoor cushions that match your needs. As your trusted source of cushion covers and other accessories online, we strive to give you a one-stop platform for getting everything that you need for your outdoor living space. We have been in the industry for five years, which is a testament to our trustworthiness and the quality of our offerings.
If you have questions or concerns about the best type of fabric for cushions or the style most apt for your home’s aesthetics, we will be happy to walk you through your options. Our staff is knowledgeable and courteous, and we are dedicated to giving you the kind of shopping experience that you deserve. Call us today to request a catalog.